The (Un)Leaning Tower of French Toasts

It's a Monday and I called-in sick from work. My nephew and niece are having their summer vacation away from Sweden and are staying with us throughout the rainy season of July and August here in the Philippines. So, these kids are craving for French Toasts on a hot gloomy afternoon. Using simple ingredients like eggs, milk, and Pinoy Tasty Bread, I made use of my skills in the kitchen. The kitchen, which is by the way, where my day job is; where I spent more than 8 hours a day of my time and 6 days a week when I'm not travelling. After a few dredging and tossing, French Toasts it is! I made the stack for 15 minutes, consumed in 5 minutes. These kids had an appetite!

Voila! Stack of homemade French Toasts.


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