Travel Alone: Mount Pinatubo, A Good Day to Hike & Swim

The terrain to Mt. Pinatubo
Every year, I see to it that I travel alone at least once. Let's just say that it is one of my 'alone' time. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with my friends on a summit or in the beach and with my family at home. It is not easy. During the past years, there's no monopod that could take my picture when I go solo. I only use my mini tripod and the camera's timer. Or sometimes, strangers would approach me to help me out. Then, there's the safety issue for which my brother would joke about. He would say 'Goodluck!' sounding like Marko of Tropoja. When I went to Mt. Pinatubo, I had my local guide to take my pictures.

I joined a travel group that organizes the Mt. Pinatubo Volcano tour. I had to cancel at the very last minute due to the disappointment of the hidden charges they make their participants pay on the day of the tour. It was a total 'highway robbery'. I still pursued my trip despite my dismay.

It was a 2-hour ride from Manila to Tarlac. When I got to the jump off, I inquired at the Municipal Tourism Office to get a 4x4 jeep at once. It would be hard to get one during the weekends due to a high volume of tourists, both local and foreign, that visits the place. It was still very early, so I was able to get the jeep and they assigned a tour guide for our group. I met a family of four at the jump off to split the expense of the 4WD and the local guide fee. The 'highway robbery' hasn't stopped with the travel group. When I got at the jump off, I looked for a place to buy lunch for me to consume at the crater. The carinderia (a place where you can buy readily cooked food) sold to me 2 pieces of sunny-side up eggs, 1 piece of hotdog, and 2 cups of steamed rice for Php 190. I guess, I don't have much choice since it was the only place where I can buy food. 

The four-wheeled drive to Crow Valley.
The awesome scenery of Crow Valley
All the disappointments and frustrations have faded when we started our journey to the volcano. The scenery was awesome. I couldn't believe how the lahar has made this beauty. It was not so long ago when the volcano emitted the ashes and lava that destroyed a lot of properties and killed a number of people. It was an hour and a half ride from the jump off to Crow Valley. This place is used for bombing practice and aerial combat of the Philippine Air Force. We took off at the 4-wheel drive jump off, where the jeeps were parked while waiting for the visitors that trekked to the volcano. From there, it's a 2-hour trek to a water source and comfort rooms, and another hour to the crater. The trail was dusty and rough. There were a few river-crossing.

The trail is rough and dusty.
Prepare for a challenge!
If the trail boasts for the awesome scenery, the crater was breathtaking. Throughout the years after it has erupted, water has accumulated in its crater forming a lake with its vast size. I went further down the crater to spend the after and have lunch. It was a hot, sunny, and dusty trek in April. There were lots of people already swimming and having a good time. Some have spent the night camping. After my lunch, I took a nap to rest and cool down under the trees. Then, I went swimming in the blue-green water. It was scary because the bottom of the water was soft and I could feel my feet sinking. I haven't seen any life vests available for visitor's use. The water was lukewarm and tasted a little bit salty. From where I was swimming, I could see a couple of boats heading towards the other side of the crater. The place is offering boat experience for an expensive amount. 

After a couple of hours, our tour guide told us that we should head back. The trail down was fast. There were a lot of visitors along the trail. It was a nice trek back that lasted for an hour. 

The crater of the volcano.
The dayhike was nice except for my earlier experience, which was compensated by the beautiful view. Mt. Pinatubo was indeed amazing.
If you plan to go trekking here, I advise you to bring the following:

- trail food/packed lunch
- trail water
- sunscreen/sunblock
- facemask/buffs to cover your nose
- cap or hat
- poncho/raincoat/umbrella

Please note that as of January of 2013, swimming at the crater was prohibited.

The lake in the crater of Mt. Pinatubo
My tousled hair after a refreshing swim in the crater lake.


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